Prayer Times in Coimbra, Portugal

Prayer times for today:

May 19, 2024| 11 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445







Asr (Hanafi)


Asr (Shafii)






Current Local Time in Coimbra: 03:10:53

Middle of the Night00:34
Last third part of the night (Tahajjud Time)01:50

Calculation Method:

May 2024

#FajrSunriseDhuhrAsr (Hanafi)Asr (Shafii)MaghribIsha
1 04:49 06:33 13:31 18:26 17:22 20:29 22:07
2 04:47 06:32 13:31 18:27 17:22 20:30 22:08
3 04:45 06:30 13:31 18:27 17:22 20:31 22:10
4 04:44 06:29 13:30 18:28 17:22 20:32 22:11
5 04:42 06:28 13:30 18:28 17:23 20:33 22:13
6 04:40 06:27 13:30 18:29 17:23 20:34 22:14
7 04:39 06:26 13:30 18:29 17:23 20:35 22:16
8 04:37 06:25 13:30 18:30 17:23 20:36 22:17
9 04:35 06:24 13:30 18:31 17:24 20:37 22:19
10 04:34 06:22 13:30 18:31 17:24 20:38 22:20
11 04:32 06:21 13:30 18:32 17:24 20:39 22:21
12 04:31 06:20 13:30 18:32 17:24 20:40 22:23
13 04:29 06:19 13:30 18:33 17:25 20:41 22:24
14 04:28 06:19 13:30 18:33 17:25 20:42 22:26
15 04:26 06:18 13:30 18:34 17:25 20:43 22:27
16 04:25 06:17 13:30 18:34 17:26 20:44 22:29
17 04:23 06:16 13:30 18:35 17:26 20:45 22:30
18 04:22 06:15 13:30 18:35 17:26 20:46 22:31
19 04:21 06:14 13:30 18:36 17:26 20:47 22:33
20 04:19 06:13 13:30 18:36 17:27 20:48 22:34
21 04:18 06:13 13:30 18:37 17:27 20:49 22:36
22 04:17 06:12 13:30 18:37 17:27 20:49 22:37
23 04:16 06:11 13:31 18:38 17:27 20:50 22:38
24 04:14 06:10 13:31 18:38 17:28 20:51 22:39
25 04:13 06:10 13:31 18:39 17:28 20:52 22:41
26 04:12 06:09 13:31 18:39 17:28 20:53 22:42
27 04:11 06:09 13:31 18:40 17:28 20:54 22:43
28 04:10 06:08 13:31 18:40 17:29 20:54 22:44
29 04:09 06:08 13:31 18:41 17:29 20:55 22:46
30 04:08 06:07 13:31 18:41 17:29 20:56 22:47
31 04:07 06:07 13:32 18:42 17:30 20:57 22:48

Distance from Coimbra to Mecca - 4985 kilometers.

On this page you can get Islamic prayer time in Coimbra. Prayer times in Coimbra will start at 04:21 and finish at 22:33. shows the exact time of prayers in Coimbra, Portugal, and the time of sunrise. The method used to calculate the time of prayers for today (May 19, 2024) in Coimbra, Portugal was: Muslim World League (MWL) | Fajr angle – 18°, Isha angle – 17°. The latitude and longitude of the city of Coimbra - 40.2111, -8.4289 and its time zone were used to calculate the time. The current time in Coimbra is displayed for convenience.